Lemon Pavlova


Serves 6-8

The Meringue:

  • 6 free-range egg whites

  • 350g caster sugar

  • 2 tsp white wine vinegar

  • 2 level tsp cornflour

The Filling:

To Serve:

  • small Easter eggs



  • Preheat the oven to 150℃/130℃ Fan Assisted 300℉/Gas Mark 2. Lay a piece of baking paper on a baking tray and draw a 25cm/10in circle on it.

  • Put the egg whites into a bowl and whisk until stiff.

  • Gradually add the sugar, a couple of tablespoons at a time, whilst continuing to whisk until the mixture is stiff and shiny and stands in peaks.

  • Blend the vinegar and cornflour together in a cup and mix until smooth. Stir this gently into the meringue mixture.

  • Spread half of the meringue mixture onto the paper to give a 25cm/10in circle. Don’t be afraid of using a good half of the mixture as there will be plenty left for the nests.

  • Fill a piping bag fitted with a rose nozzle (I used the Wilton 2D nozzle) with the rest of the meringue mixture and carefully pipe about 9-11 separate little nests positioned equally around the edge of the circle.

  • Place the meringue into the middle of the oven and bake for 1½ hours, after which time the Pavlova should be cooked, if not leave for a further ½ hour, or until you think it is cooked. When cooked it should be a pale creamy colour, not white, and easily removable from the paper.

  • Whisk the double cream in a large bowl until thickened. Soften The Cherry Tree Lemon Curd in a separate bowl by mixing with a spoon and swirl through the cream.

  • After placing the Pavlova on the serving dish of your choice spoon a small amount of the lemon filling into each of the mini nests, placing the rest of the cream mixture into the middle of the Pavlova base of the meringue nest, decorate however you wish. I piped the cream mixture with a Wilton 2D nozzle.

  • Finally pop some Easter eggs of your choice into the mini-nests around the edge of the dessert.


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